Getting to Know More About Dental Implants

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It’s disheartening to flash a smile in the mirror and see a gap caused by missing teeth. Missing teeth is no laughing matter. Aside from sabotaging your smile, it disrupts daily functions like chewing and speaking. Thankfully, a strong and stable solution for this problem exists—dental implants! Here at Ambler Dental Care, we offer dental implants to restore the smiles of our patients who struggle with missing teeth.

If you are curious about this type of dental restoration, we will discuss some points about it below. Read on! 

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are posts or anchors that are surgically implanted into the jawbone. Their purpose is to replace the role of the tooth root. After the implants are placed, false teeth will be attached to them. 

As a restoration option, dental implants provide an incredibly stable and strong base for false teeth; this means that they won’t wobble or shift in your mouth, giving you a natural feel. However, dental implants require healthy jawbone and gums for the implants to fuse.

How long does a dental implant procedure take? 

A multi-step process is involved when it comes to getting a dental implant. It may take you several months for full integration. Before you are scheduled to have an implant inserted, you and your dentist must establish that you are a good candidate for the procedure. Extracting damaged teeth (that the implants will replace) may also be involved.

Once your implants have been inserted, it will take time for your jaw and surrounding tissues to heal. The healing period can take 6 to 12 weeks. During this time, your dentist will check the implant site to ensure that it is healing correctly and is attached to your new tooth. 

How do you take care of your dental implants?

Taking care of your dental implants is the same as looking after your natural teeth. Thus, good oral care routine such as regular brushing and flossing, using mouthwash are enough to maintain them. Aside from that, smoking and excessive consumption of sugary drinks must be avoided since these can damage the teeth and gums.

Moreover, people with dental implants may be required to visit their dentist more frequently to keep them clean and healthy. Regular trips to the hygienist are highly recommended as well. There are also special toothbrushes designed for dental implants, which you can try using.

Replace your missing teeth with stable Dental Implants in Ambler, PA. Book an appointment with us at Ambler Dental Care to experience the high-quality treatment you deserve. Our dental office is located at 602 South Bethlehem Pike, Suite C-2, Ambler, PA 19002.

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