The Role Of Roleplaying Your Child’s First Dental Appointment

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Roleplaying is a great tool parents use to help their child know how to handle unfamiliar situations that will come their way. A great example of this might be roleplaying how to meet a new friend. Children love to play pretend. In roleplaying, they get to pretend they are actually meeting a new friend with you! As you “play” they learn how to interact with new friends. Things such as practicing eye contact, shaking hands and viewing conversations like a tennis ball being tossed back and forth for balanced conversations, are valuable lessons you can teach your child. The visuals and practice you give your kids help them feel empowered and ready to encounter whatever situation that comes their way.

Roleplaying can also help when preparing your child for their first dental appointment. Here are a few things you could roleplay with your child at home, so they will feel confident when they walk through the doors of the dentist office for the first time.

  1. Practice saying hello to the dentist and giving them a firm handshake when meeting for the first time, or even a smile to connect positively to the dentist.
  2. Roleplay having your child laying on their back, on your couch and opening their mouth while you look around inside. Discuss with them why the dentist needs to do this and what they are looking for.
  3. Consider reading some picture books that show others going to the dentist and having a positive experience. While reading, you each can pretend you’re a character in the book and make a play to perform for the rest of the family.

Empowering your child with confidence for their first dental appointment is a gift you can give to them. Have fun with it! At Ambler Dental Care, we make every effort to make your child’s first appointment as positive, relaxing and as fun as possible with our kid-friendly environment and staff.

Posted on behalf of Ambler Dental Care

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