Root Canal: What to Expect and When to Get Help

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Most people associate dental procedures to pain and discomfort. What they don’t know is that the majority of the services offered under dentistry are actually painless. Besides, dental professionals are committed to providing the best oral care services while making sure that patients remain comfortable. The dentist also makes sure to cater to the needs of patients to alleviate any pain.

That is especially true in the case of a root canal treatment. Despite being a beneficial service, many patients were not able to take advantage of its offers because of the misconceptions believed by many. So, for everyone to be more aware of the said service, we at Ambler Dental Care have prepared some of the essential things to know about a root canal. Continue reading below!

First things first! A root canal is the middle portion of a tooth which consist of nerves. However, it is also used in referring to the treatment performed if the said area has been infected. The purpose of a root canal is to get rid of all the dead tissues to prevent the spread of infection while making sure that the tooth remains intact.

What are things to expect?

Although root canal treatments in the past were painful, this is no longer the case nowadays. There are now different means to make patients have a pleasant dental experience like improved dental devices and more. Once the patient is at ease, the dentist will then proceed with the cleaning process. During this, a small opening on the crown of a tooth will be drilled to access its deceased area. Once the tooth is freed from infected tissues, it will then be sealed and filled to prevent the occurrence of reinfection.

After a root canal, the patient will experience mild sensitivity. Although this is uncomfortable, it can be easily managed by taking over the counter or prescribed medications. Plus, these sensations usually lasts for only a few days. Following the procedure, patients are advised to stay away from hard foods since these can cause more pain.

When is the best time to seek assistance?

Over time, the pain caused by a root canal should subside. However, if there is still swelling and pain, it is best to see a dentist. Depending on the case of a patient, they may need to schedule one to two appointments for a root canal. In more severe cases, several cleaning sessions may be required; which is usually the case with recurring pain. After treating the infected tooth, the dentist may then place a dental crown to provide added support and strength to an already fragile tooth.

Aiming to save your teeth from extraction? Contact us to know about Root Canal Therapy in Ambler, PA, or to schedule your appointment with Ambler Dental Care!

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